Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Protect DOMA Website

The rabidly vile and angry protests being waged throughout California by the homosexual activists who are mad that Proposition 8 passed with over 52% of the vote, are not about to give up the fight. In fact, I can still see some of the "no on 8" political signs in my area. They were placed high up on telephone poles so that only someone with a ladder could reach them and tear them down.

The stampedes into churches; the shoving of an 80-yr.-old Christian woman while the huge cross she was carrying was trampled on; the hate-spewing protests in front of Mormon churches - are just a few of the terrible actions being done by rabid homosexual activists.

These people are more than just "sore losers." They are adamant about getting their way and will stop at NOTHING to do so.

I am grateful for organizations like Alliance for Marriage that is already preparing for the next battle. The website has been launched.

Here is a copy of an email that I received today from Alliance for Marriage:

Gay Activist Press Cites AFM Campaign
as Stumbling Block to Pending Attack
on DOMA in Congress

“Predominantly White” Activists Lament Failure to "Feature People of Color" as AFM’s Diverse Coalition launches campaign

Last week, the Alliance for Marriage launched one of the most important campaigns in our organization’s history to protect the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the upcoming 111th Congress.

By launching -- and immediately commencing our campaign efforts on Capitol Hill -- the Alliance for Marriage Foundation has drawn a line in the sand against radical activists who are determined to export Massachusetts-style “gay marriage” to the entire nation.

AFM’s ProtectDOMA campaign was cited this past week in the gay press:
“The Alliance for Marriage just announced that preserving DOMA - especially by lobbying newly elected members of Congress from people of color communities - is one of their top priorities right now”
– Gay City News, (11/26/08).

But what was most eye-opening about this news story -- which reported on a panel discussion including the Human Rights Commission about same-sex marriage in New York State and the repeal of DOMA nationally -- was a rare window into the activist community and just how absurd their deceptive analogies to America’s civil rights movement have become.

“At a time when the community has been rubbed raw by a debate over the percentage of people of color who voted for Prop 8 and the failure of the No on 8 campaign to feature people of color as spokespeople or to do sufficient outreach to those populations, the New York panel consisted of five white men and one white woman.... The audience was predominately white and male as well….”

For years, AFM has reached out to communities of color - including leaders of the African-American community - to make their voices heard in the historic debate over the future of marriage. Our strategic leadership in building an authentically diverse coalition to protect marriage has been widely recognized in the national media.
“As the community that endured both slavery and segregation, African-Americans will always reject the lie that radical activists have a "civil right" to redefine marriage,” said Niger Innis, an AFM Advisory Board Member and National Spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), one of the "Big Four" historic civil rights groups. “That's because my community - perhaps more than any other - understands in very real terms the consequences of family breakdown. When marriage declines, children and society both suffer.”

Too often, Americans of goodwill are intimidated by the threat of being labeled as bigots for believing what the vast majority of people - of every creed and color - regard as common sense. But the African-American leaders in the AFM coalition have always proclaimed the widespread view in their community that there is no “civil right" to redefine marriage for all of society.

Thank you for helping us to make their voices heard across the nation. Thank you also for your friendship and partnership in our efforts to ensure that more children in America are raised in a home with a mother and a father.

Technorati Profile


Kingfisher said...

Hi Christine,

We just wanted to drop a line to tell you how much we admire the work you are doing to defend traditional marriage. We have linked to you on our repository page and would love it if you would be willing to reciprocate. Thank you for crusading!


Christinewjc said...

Hi KingFisher,

Added your blog to my "Blogs Supporting DOMA" blogroll! Thanks for stopping by, commenting, and sharing a link from your blog to mine!

We must stick together in this battle. It will probably be ongoing until our Lord Jesus returns!

In Christ,

Kingfisher said...

Amen! And thank you for the link. We are proud to stick together with you.


Anonymous said...

Could you explain how you version of marriage must be imposed on other people? Isn't that going against the 'freedom' your country holds so dear?

Armando Morán said...

To the NL Thinking:

It is not "her" version of marriage. It is what society has defined as marriage for more than 5000 years.

Regarding the freedom: Freedom doesn't mean that suddenly I want to change the names of things and I can do it freely, imposing my view in all the society.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

I’ve just started a new blog that will be highlighting the dangers of the secular progressive movement (pro-gay “rights”, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedoms, etc). Unfortunately, most Christians still don’t know what’s going on out there and the mainstream media certainly isn’t covering it.

We’re looking to build a solid group of social conservatives who’ll frequent our site regularly and contribute to some good discussions. I hope you’ll check us out!

If you’ll add us to your "Blogs Supporting DOMA" blogroll, we’ll gladly add you to ours. Just drop us a comment over at our blog so that we’ll know to add you. Our blog is called Religion and Morality.


Christinewjc said...

Hi NL Thinking -

Thanks for stopping by and asking that question. I think that ch1c0 s4b10 answered it quite well and succinctly.

Christinewjc said...

Hi ch1c0 s4b10 -

That's quite a screen name. Does it have any particular significance? Thanks for your brief, but well stated answer to NL Thinking!


Christinewjc said...

Religion and Morality -

Welcome! Just added your site to my blogroll here.

You are correct about the fact that many Christians are not actively engaged in the efforts to protect DOMA. One church that our family was considering joining (last year) did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the Prop. 8 effort! That was a tell-tale sign that it wasn't the right congregation for our family!

Thanks, in advance, for the reciprocal link!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

You haven't posted in a while. I'm waiting for more!