Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Protect Your Children From "Day of Silence" Propaganda

The need to be continually vigilant in protecting biblical marriage includes countering the huge amount of indoctrination that is being heaped upon children in public schools. Please read the following and take the necessary action needed to prevent your children and grandchildren from being influenced by the progressive, liberal-leftist, Saul Alinsky methods being imposed upon students in public schools through the so-called "Day of Silence."



Tell parents, "Protect your children!"

Hand out flyers about this Friday's pro-homosexuality "Day of Silence"

On Friday, public schools from high school on down will allow "gay and lesbian" students and their liberal friends and liberal teachers to remain defiantly silent. The purpose? To disrupt the school day, bring attention to themselves, and label themselves as "victims" -- conveniently forgetting that those who practice homosexuality have more political "rights" than heterosexuals!

These confused, liberal activists will wear pro-homosexuality t-shirts, deliver pro-LGBTQ speeches in classrooms of supportive teachers, refuse to answer teachers' questions in other classrooms, make it difficult for other students to concentrate, and generally take over campuses for the entire day.

According to the "Day of Silence" website, two years ago, this political takeover happened nationwide in 8,000+ elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as some colleges. School administrators will deny sponsoring, participating in, or allowing the "Day of Silence." But they will allow students to be silent nonetheless!

As the homosexual activists themselves explain: "The Day of Silence is a perfect tool for creating change. We wanted a queer-friendly prom, and after showing that many students and staff care -- we got a queer-friendly prom. We said we wouldn't be silenced and we won't." "The Day of Silence can be a great tool to catapult change at your school! Do you want a more LGBT inclusive library, teacher training, LGBT inclusive nondiscrimination policies or something else?"

1. PUBLIC-SCHOOL PARENTS: If you're a parent or grandparent of a child in government-run schools, resolve to keep them home on Friday to counter protest the pro-homosexuality "Day of Silence." Absent children cost the school district, and a school district that allows politically-correct disruption deserves financial consequences. Get more information

2. EVERYBODY ELSE: Whether you're a parent or not, help parents in your community to protect their children and stand against immoral influences. Download our Action Flyer and hand out to parents picking up and dropping off their children in front of campuses on Wednesday and Thursday. Tell them, "Protect your children!"

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20 NIV

Hat Tip:


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Homosexual Activists Try 'End Around' on Marriage

Homosexual Activists Try 'End Around' on Marriage

by Nima Reza, managing editor

Legislation takes another shot at divorcing marriage from its true intent.

A bill on the California Senate floor would further undermine the institution of one man, one woman marriage.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill on a 3-2 party-line vote.

SB 906 would confuse the issue by renaming "marriage" as "civil marriage," opening the possibility for future multiple marriage categories, according to California Family Council Legislative Coordinator Everett Rice.

California voters passed Proposition 8 in 2008, defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

"SB 906 is actually a direct assault against the more than 7 million voters that supported Proposition 8," Rice said. "These multiple marriage designations would lead to new definitions of each, eventually giving the courts the opportunity to redefine marriage."

Caleb Price, social research analyst with Focus on the Family Action, said activists are simply redefining terms "to suit their purposes."

"Gay activists are now attempting to do an end run around the will of the people and redefine the term in the Legislature," he said.

Closing arguments in the California marriage amendment court challenge, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, are expected this month.

Many legal experts expect the case could make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hat Tip: Citizen


Read more about the California marriage debate.